Surgery to increase your height

Surgery to increase your height

This procedure is minimally invasive and low-risk, allowing you to increase your height or correct leg length discrepancies

Less invasive lengthening with less pain and more comfort!

Limb lengthening

Less invasive lengthening with less pain and more comfort! 3 to 4 months where you can work from home, while increasing your height.

Alargamiento correctivo

Corrective lengthening for all ages

We have specialists with +18 years of experience. Your transformation starts here!

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Surgery to increase your height

It is a minimally invasive and low-risk procedure for the implantation of the Precice device that has a revolutionary technology of
magnets that allow, through a remote control, the lengthening of the femur or tibia (up to 8 centimeters) to increase height or correct differences in length between the legs.
During the lengthening phase, the patient must stay up to 3 months (depending on the centimeters of lengthening) in the city where the surgery was performed.


Suplemédicos is an organization based in Colombia that strives for the recovery of the quality of life of patients, making it easier for doctors and health institutions to provide their services through the best solutions, customer-focused service and the development of long-term relationships. In 2017, Suplemédicos became the exclusive representative and distributor of Precice in Colombia. The PRECICE intramedullary limb lengthening system is a state-of-the-art adjustable device that uses a non-invasive remote control to lengthen the femur or tibia. PRECICE is used to treat abnormalities of long bones due to acute or chronic injuries. The key to the technology is the magnetic interaction between PRECICE (intramedullary device) and the remote control. NuVasive's patented technology includes a complex system of internal gears activated and controlled remotely by magnets. The advancement in limb lengthening allows for a non-invasive controlled distraction phase and the ability to customize treatment according to each patient's need.

Disruptive innovation


Sistema de alargamiento Precice


The difference in leg length can occur during growth or after a fracture.

Differences in leg length can also be caused by infections, congenital anomalies, or defective healing.

Before Precice, leg lengthening was done with an external fixator which increased the risk of infection, caused discomfort and a
high psychological burden for both the patient and the family.

Process Overview

First level care and guidance

Patient selection

Before surgery

During surgery

Lengthening phase

Healing and removal phase


Turismo médico en Colombia

Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar. Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.

Specialists at your fingertips

Find your doctor

Dr. Mauricio Zuluaga

Dr. Zuluaga

Surgeon Reconstructive Surgery Specialist

Dr. León Gonzalo Mora

Dr. Mora

Surgeon Reconstructive Surgery Specialist

Dr. José Luis Duplat

Dr. Duplat

Surgeon Reconstructive Surgery Specialist

Dr. Sergio Nossa

Dr. Nossa

Surgeon Reconstructive Surgery Specialist

Dr. Carlos Mario Olarte

Dr. Olarte

Surgeon Reconstructive Surgery Specialist

Dr. Luis Fernando Mena

Dr. Mena

Surgeon Reconstructive Surgery Specialist

Learn about the success stories


“When the patient's conditions allow it, the Precice nail is undoubtedly the best alternative treatment for correcting deformities and length discrepancies in the lower limb. Not only does it allow us to obtain excellent results, but it drastically improves the patient's quality of life during treatment.”
Dr. León Gonzalo Mora
“The support and the path of the Precice nail make it a unique solution in the market; if I could, I would do all lengthenings with this device. It is the best for patients, and it is the future of intramedullary lengthening.”
Dr. Luis Fernando Mena
“Hello friends of Suplemédicos, I have known this company for many years and it is undoubtedly a company that has grown with care and tenacity. I have seen processes that have allowed us to work with instruments for the pediatric population, which we treat most frequently; it started out by working with a serious and most respected company such as Orthopediatrics, with whom, in alliance with an important group of surgeons, have changed the lives of countless children in our country. In addition, we have witnessed the evolution and transformation of a paradigm using revolutionary technology in the reconstructive field: how to lengthen a patient without an external fixator? How could we want to use less and less the external fixators that we learned to use with such passion? With a technology system that seems to come from the “Jetsons”, the Precice system, with its telescopic magnetic nail by Nuvasive, complaints about external fixators have been replaced by phrases like "I feel fantastic when I can remove my crutches" and bone lengthening clinics full of happy patients and not with some type of discomfort. Suplemédicos cares about our permanent training, supports us with programs for residents, conducts training for its staff, through different academic processes that result in a house that continues to grow. I use the word home to define a company that seeks the growth of institutions and people, it is more than a place, it is a group of people who seek excellent outcomes at all levels of inference.”

Hace ya también algún tiempo vi cómo se iniciaron los procesos para obtener instrumental para el segmento poblacional que manejamos con mayor frecuencia, la población pediátrica, con una empresa de impecable seriedad y desarrollo como Orthopediatrics, con quienes en alianza con un importante grupo de cirujanos han cambiado la vida de un sin número de niños en nuestro país.

In addition, we have witnessed the evolution and transformation of a paradigm using revolutionary technology in the reconstructive field: how to lengthen a patient without an external fixator? How could we want to use less and less the external fixators that we learned to use with such passion? With a technology system that seems to come from the “Jetsons”, the Precice system, with its telescopic magnetic nail by Nuvasive, complaints about external fixators have been replaced by phrases like "I feel fantastic when I can remove my crutches" and bone lengthening clinics full of happy patients and not with some type of discomfort.

Suplemédicos cares about our permanent training, supports us with programs for residents, conducts training for its staff, through different academic processes that result in a house that continues to grow.

I use the word home to define a company that seeks the growth of institutions and people, it is more than a place, it is a group of people who seek excellent outcomes at all levels of inference.”
Dr. Sergio Nossa
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